Rocio Rojas-Marcos Albert (1979).
Professor at the University of Seville and at the International College of Seville. PhD in Literature and Aesthetics Studies (2017).
Masters degree in Creative Writing (2011-12).
Graduated in Arabic and Islamic Studies (2003).
Manuel Alcántara Poetry Prize (2020).
El Drag Prize for literary creation (University of Cádiz, 2020)


Mohamed Chukri. Malaga, Editorial Zut, 2021
Tánger segunda patria. Cordoba: Almuzara, 2018.
Carmen Laforet en Tánger, Tánger: Khbar bladna, 2015.
Sanz de Soto y Buñuel. La tercera España transfretana, Khbar Blanda, Tánger, 2012.
Tánger. La ciudad internacional, Almed, Granada, 2009.

Stories included in the books:
“Y nos tomamos una copa” in Un planeta llamado Tánger (2014).
“Bajo el ficus” in Los conjurados de Tánger (2019).
“Deambular por Comala” in Cuentos de libro (2020).

Poem book
Habitada por palabras, Huerga and Fierro (2020)
GMTT (Golf, Mark, Tango, Tango), published in Calle del Aire nº 2, December 2021.

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